Arizona Dental Association (AzDA) Exclusive
5% discount on disposal of your expired and unused pharmaceutical inventory
Offer Code: AzDA2024
March 1st is coming and it’s almost time to conduct your annual inventory of Controlled Pharmaceuticals.
We’re Arizona’s only DEA Registered Reverse Distributor. Our Simple Rate Program helps you meet the requirements of 4 A.A.C. 11, Article 14, R4-11-1403 and the ease will delight your staff.
COVID-19 is a budget buster. Simple Rate Box options start at $154 with no hidden fees. You can take an additional AzDA discount of 5%. This is the best way to keep your stock free of unwanted pharmaceuticals in a compliant and budget friendly way. There is a limited time to this offer and ends March 1st, 2024. Cannot be combined with other offers or subscription services.
We’re happy to help fellow Arizonan’s through these trying times.
To get started today chat on-line, email or set up an account. There is no cost to set up an account or to have us review your inventory.